Playtime Projects online comic
September 16, 2007
Playtime Projects is an online comic by Keith Quinn, about a children's show, its cast, and their shenanigans. It's childish fun in the heart of the Imagine Nation. No, that's a lie. It's mostly about a bunch of foul-mouthed puppets at a dysfunctional children's show.
The comic allowed Keith to stretch his artistic skills by having different "skits" use different vector art styles. He wrote the comic and created all its vector-based artwork. (He even created the website!)
Between September 2007 and August 2015, new strips were posted around once a month to www.playtimeprojects.com on an irregular basis, if you can believe it.
Read Playtime Projects at www.playtimeprojects.com. The website and comic are supported by Hurm Studio.
Tags: artist, comic artist, comic colorist, comic letterer, comic production, comic writer, Hurm Studio, Playtime Projects, writer